nine moons= 9 months. There is one moon cycle in a month
1:25 "for there is nothing which is good save it comes from the Lord;"
in Omni 1:25 he says "for there is nothing which is good save it comes from the Lord;" and I cross referenced "...all things denote there is a God." (Alma 30:44)

Words of Mormon
vs 7 it says is talking about why he is writing the scriptures and that he doesn't really know why except that's what he has been commanded to do. That is faith!
He says, "And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore he worketh in me to do according to his will."
Stay on the Lord’s side, and you will win every time. –Richard G. Scott:
For the Lord to use us through and work through us we must be worthy, be willing to listen and heed his guidance and council. Am I ready and worthy for this?

vs 14 "in the strength of the Lord"
We must be on His side, or we will NEVER win.

October 2013, "Personal Strength Through the Atonement of Christ":
Blessing- I have the most amazing big brother in the world. He has always been there for me and is such a great example. Such a Christlike example on earth


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