Jacob 7:
Is it harder for people to believe in spiritual things today because of all the technology we have been blessed with?
It's important to gain our own testimony and witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel. We need to remember that it's also easy to get carried away with searching for answers online and in other resources that aren't true and can deceive God's children.
Yesterday in institute we were talking about gaining a testimony and not falling away from the truth and knowing where to go for answers. I thought of this commercial:

I think it's funny when she says, "you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true." It makes me wonder how many people actually believe that? But sadly a lot of people go to those sources for answers instead of praying to our knowing Father in Heaven. 

Why is it that we have to have a continuous witness of God, His power and His love for us in our lives? Why can't we have faith and remember the witnesses which we have had in our lives?

Sherem receives a witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel from the Holy Ghost then He shares His testimony with His people before He dies (Truely a death bed repentance). 

The people then began to search the scriptures and obey the commandments. Do we do this every day or just after we listen to General Conference we do it really good for a while then slowly stop doing it? These things are still important otherwise, our modern day leaders wouldn't still be asking us to do it today. And if we were better at it, they could teach us more than just the basics. 
Where can I improve?

The people trusted in God and the rock of their salvation; wherefore, they became as yet, conquerors of their enemies. 
Who's on the Lord's side, who?
How can we make sure that we are fighting for the right side? 

How do I need to improve my prayers? 1. being more sincere, 2. Truly having a relationship and conversation with my Father in Heaven, 3. Learning to council with Him and not council Him, 4. Have greater Faith in Christ, 

1:15 "...Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it."
How can we better vs 26 declare and rejoice in the word of God? 

  • How can we better observe to keep the sabbath day holy? 
  • What are some ways that we can see this day as different from the rest and truly worship and do the Lord's work on this day?
  • What kind of activities are appropriate for the Lords anointed day?
The leader of the church; labored diligently, suffered for their people, taught their people the ways of the Lord, and "persuaded them to look forward unto the Messiah, and believe in Him to come as though he already was." The leaders today do these exact same things to help us today. :)


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