Mosiah Chapter 1
They were asked to search the scriptures and keep the commandments. It's interesting how often in the scriptures they (we) are asked to do a lot of the same things, and yet members of the church get upset when we hear the same kinds of talks in General Conference. When that is the case then it is probably something that we need to improve on and not get  upset at our leaders for.
Essentially the guidance isn't coming from our leaders anyways it's coming from our Father in Heaven who loves us enough to correct us and allow us to become like Him.
Keeping the commandments isn't impossible. It can be harder sometimes than others but we aren't asked to do anything we can't handle or do.
We do have our own "ball or director" today which is the scriptures, spirit, living modern day Prophet and Apostles. I don't think we are truly thankful enough for the things we have been blessed with today. I know that I'm not.
Blessing- I'm thankful I have a place to live and that I am able to appreciate things in life given to me in life because of unpleasant things.


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