Often we think of the word of the Lord being fullfilled in a possitive way, like revelations that a Prophet had and it came to past. But also things that are unpleasent happens to like people not repenting and coming unto Christ and they get punished for it but the Lord warned them.
It's important that we are doing what we can to improve the world and the situation around us.
Mosiah 21:4, "Yea, all this was done that the word of the Lord might be fullfilled."

What commanmdents do I need to learn more about and obey with more exactness? Not just the 10 commanments those aren't the hard ones in these days. It's the pray, read scriptures every day kind. I feel that so many think of these things that have been ask of us as unimportant and disregard them. And yet, if we are continuously asked to do these things don't you think they are important?

Blessing- I was able to help mom out yesterday by cleaning up the leaves.


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