Alma 7:21, "And he doth not dwell in unholy temples; neither can filthiness or anything which is unclean be received into the kingdom of God;"
When I read this it made me think about how often our bodies are referred to as temples and that we are supposed to keep them unspotted from the world. And we are supposed to stay spiritually, mentally, and physically clean. I think often we forget this and allow bad or negative thoughts come into our minds. But if we put it in this context we are allowing negative thoughts (thoughts from Satan) come into our own personal temples. We need to make sure we are exposing ourselves to things that are pleasing to our Father in Heaven.
Alma 7:23-24, "And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive, and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritually and temporal; always returning thanks to God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
And see that ye have faith, hope, charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."
There is a lot of application in this scripture.
These are things that our church leaders have asked us to do time and time again over the years. What would it take to have a more Christ-centered life? How can we make sure we are focusing our lives on things that really matter? Lately, I've been trying to pay attention to the music I listen to and making sure it is inviting to the spirit. Not all music is bad, but there is also a lot that isn't welcoming to have the spirit with us.
Alma 8:4, "And he began to teach the people in the land of Melek according to the holy order of God,"
The holy order of God is referring to the Priesthood of God. I love this scripture because there are so many that think you don't have to be called of God or that don't understand authority to be called of God to teach His children.
Why is it important to have athority? I believe it is because we need to make sure the men are called of God and that they are teaching according to what God and our Savior Jesus Christ want them to teach instead of whatever they think is best according to their own knowledge and understanding.
Alma was told to go back to the land of Ammonihah and it says in Chapter 8 verse 18 that "he returned speedily" it made make me think about how fast am I to obey the Lord's commandment. It also gave me a greater desire to obey him speedily instead of always wanting things my way.
I know that God doesn't give us commandments that we can't handle or that He won't help us with tor through. God has a plan and if we are righteous then we can be a part of His plan and bringing others to the fold of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Blessing- I have friends that are good example that I can look up to and learn from.
When I read this it made me think about how often our bodies are referred to as temples and that we are supposed to keep them unspotted from the world. And we are supposed to stay spiritually, mentally, and physically clean. I think often we forget this and allow bad or negative thoughts come into our minds. But if we put it in this context we are allowing negative thoughts (thoughts from Satan) come into our own personal temples. We need to make sure we are exposing ourselves to things that are pleasing to our Father in Heaven.
Alma 7:23-24, "And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive, and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritually and temporal; always returning thanks to God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
And see that ye have faith, hope, charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."
There is a lot of application in this scripture.
These are things that our church leaders have asked us to do time and time again over the years. What would it take to have a more Christ-centered life? How can we make sure we are focusing our lives on things that really matter? Lately, I've been trying to pay attention to the music I listen to and making sure it is inviting to the spirit. Not all music is bad, but there is also a lot that isn't welcoming to have the spirit with us.
Alma 8:4, "And he began to teach the people in the land of Melek according to the holy order of God,"
The holy order of God is referring to the Priesthood of God. I love this scripture because there are so many that think you don't have to be called of God or that don't understand authority to be called of God to teach His children.
Why is it important to have athority? I believe it is because we need to make sure the men are called of God and that they are teaching according to what God and our Savior Jesus Christ want them to teach instead of whatever they think is best according to their own knowledge and understanding.
Alma was told to go back to the land of Ammonihah and it says in Chapter 8 verse 18 that "he returned speedily" it made make me think about how fast am I to obey the Lord's commandment. It also gave me a greater desire to obey him speedily instead of always wanting things my way.
I know that God doesn't give us commandments that we can't handle or that He won't help us with tor through. God has a plan and if we are righteous then we can be a part of His plan and bringing others to the fold of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Blessing- I have friends that are good example that I can look up to and learn from.
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