Alma 7:11-13, "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
"And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
"Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me."
Pains- To make uneasy or to disquiet; to cause uneasy sensations in the body, of any degree of intensity; to make simply uneasy, or to distress, to torment. The pressure of fetters may pain a limb; the rack pains the body.
afflictions- The cause of continued pain of body or mind, as sickness, losses, calamity, adversity, persecution.
temptations- The act of tempting; enticement to evil by arguments, by flattery, or by the offer of some real or apparent good.
bind- To restrain in any manner.
infirmities- An unsound or unhealthy state of the body; weakness; feebleness.
bowels- 1. The intestines of an animal; the entrails, especially of man. The heart. 2. The seat of pity or kindness; hence, tenderness, compassion, a scriptural sense.
succor- Literally, to run to, or run to support; hence, to help or relieve when in difficulty, want or distress; to assist and deliver from suffering; as, to succor a besieged city; to succor prisoners.
sin- The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity.
blot- To efface; to erase; to cause to be unseen, or forgotten; to destroy; as, to blot out a crime, or the remembrance of anything.
transgressions-, The act of passing over or beyond any law or rule of moral duty; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command.
deliverance- 1. Release from captivity, slavery, oppression, or any restraint, 2. Rescue from danger or any evil.
(Cross reference verses- Isaiah 53:4; 41:10, 2 Nephi 9:21, Heb. 2:18, D&C 88:6)
I love looking up definitions because it really makes the scripture take on a whole new meaning and personalizes it for me.
I love Elder Holland and the way he speaks and bears His testimony.
Blessing- I'm thankful for the selfless service and sacrifice of the Atonement that my Savior performed for me because He knew I couldn't make it back to my Heavenly Father alone.
"And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
"Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me."
Pains- To make uneasy or to disquiet; to cause uneasy sensations in the body, of any degree of intensity; to make simply uneasy, or to distress, to torment. The pressure of fetters may pain a limb; the rack pains the body.
afflictions- The cause of continued pain of body or mind, as sickness, losses, calamity, adversity, persecution.
temptations- The act of tempting; enticement to evil by arguments, by flattery, or by the offer of some real or apparent good.
bind- To restrain in any manner.
infirmities- An unsound or unhealthy state of the body; weakness; feebleness.
bowels- 1. The intestines of an animal; the entrails, especially of man. The heart. 2. The seat of pity or kindness; hence, tenderness, compassion, a scriptural sense.
succor- Literally, to run to, or run to support; hence, to help or relieve when in difficulty, want or distress; to assist and deliver from suffering; as, to succor a besieged city; to succor prisoners.
sin- The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity.
blot- To efface; to erase; to cause to be unseen, or forgotten; to destroy; as, to blot out a crime, or the remembrance of anything.
transgressions-, The act of passing over or beyond any law or rule of moral duty; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command.
deliverance- 1. Release from captivity, slavery, oppression, or any restraint, 2. Rescue from danger or any evil.
(Cross reference verses- Isaiah 53:4; 41:10, 2 Nephi 9:21, Heb. 2:18, D&C 88:6)
I love looking up definitions because it really makes the scripture take on a whole new meaning and personalizes it for me.
I love Elder Holland and the way he speaks and bears His testimony.
Blessing- I'm thankful for the selfless service and sacrifice of the Atonement that my Savior performed for me because He knew I couldn't make it back to my Heavenly Father alone.
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