The Nephites "did struggle for their lives without calling upon that Being who created them." (Mormon 5:2)
- Are there times in our lives that we struggle and go through hard things without calling upon the Lord? The one that understands all and can truly help. Let's commit right now to call upon the Lord throughout our lives and include him in our struggles and our happy times.

Whatever the Lord promises us will come to pass, for God cannot lie and will not bring His children down the path of destruction like Satan. We must believe what Heavenly Father has told us and promised us. Believe that we are His sons and daughters and that we have great potential to be like Him and to live with Him again. Don't give up on yourself, for God will NEVER give up on you.

"...the seed of this people may more fully believe his gospel," (Momon 5:15)
- What would this take to have more of Gods people believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ? We have missionaries out teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ but there is always more that we need to do more that we should be doing. Instead of sitting idly like the scriptures say, we need to be doing the Lords work and gaining confidence in ourselves and in Him. By serving others and doing His work it will bring our own salvation to us without even thinking about it.

HeavenlyFatherr wants us to be like Him and His Son Jesus Christ. But it takes work and we need their help if we ever want to be in their presence again. We need to work on our weaknesses and allow them to Help us make them strengths.

Blessing- I have been given amazing friends who strengthen and uplift me.


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