"...faith is things which are hoped for and not seen;...for ye recieve no witness until after the trial of your faith." (Ether12:6)
- God will bless us always but we are the ones who aren't trustworthy all the time so we have to do our part before he will bless us and give us what we need at that time.

- Faith is one of the hardest things to get and yet I would think it would be one of the most rewarding to have unwavering faith and to work to wards a knowledge and true understanding of all things by living our lives righteously and by obeying the commands of God.

We are asked to be meek, Neal A. Maxwell said,

"Meekness ranks low on the mortal scale of things, yet high on God's: 'For none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart.' (Moroni 7:44.) The rigorous requirements of Christian discipleship are clearly unattainable without meekness. In fact, meekness is needed in order to be spiritually successful, whether in matters of the intellect, in the management of power, in the dissolution of personal pride, or in coping with the challenges of daily life."(Meek and Lowly, p. ix)

Meek- Mild of temper; soft; gentle; not easily provoked or irritated; yielding; given to forbearance under injuries.

Ezra Taft Benson said, "Brothers and sisters, we must take our sins to the Lord in humble and sorrowful repentance. We must plead with Him for power to overcome them. The promises are sure. He will come to our aid. We will find the power to change our lives." (Ensign, Oct. 1989, "A Mighty Change of Heart")

- What an amazing promise. But again, we must do our part in learning and trying to change to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ and Father in Heaven.

-We must all work on having more faith and hope for things that are of God. And truly come to know who He is so that we can be like Him.

Blessing- I had a great run this morning!


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