- People often rejected God's servants and Prophets that were sent to teach and testify to them what was to happen. In what ways today do we do that? We don't stone the Prophet or throw him our of our cities but in what ways do we likewise do these things to reject the Prophet and God's word? 
I feel like not listening or taking heed to His words and his counsel is the same thing today. When we don't do as we are asked we are doing as they did in old times when they rejected the prophets for telling them to live as our Father in Heaven would have them live.

-The wicked receive strength and more power with their secret combinations. I never understand how those who are wicked receive strength more than those who are righteous.

- I don't particularly like to read the many many war chapters in the Book of Mormon but it is interesting to compare the success or lack thereof when the people us the strength of God or when they go about using their own strength the outcome they get. We should always strive to remember that God is mightier then we are and that we can't do anything without him or we shall parish. For with God, all things are possible without God nothing is possible.

Blessing- Heavenly Father gives me strength beyond my comprehension every day. 


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