- Moroni is alone. I have felt alone before but been around many people, I think it's interesting though that there were people around him but none that were or wanted to live the way he did. I think of that today, sometimes we are surrounded by people and yet feel alone in our beliefs, actions, and words because of the way we are trying to live. But it's important to ALWAYS REMEMBER that Christ is there for us always. I have a tendency to forget this and to rely on my own strength and knowledge which isn't much.

"...they ordained them by the power of the Holy Ghost, which was in them." 
-What a blessing to have the Holy Ghost with us always as long as we are striving to live our lives to have Him with us. I also think of the men who hold the priesthood and have been loaned the power of God to bring to pass His gospel and His purpose. How much more could we achieve if we were to always live worthy of it and therefore grow closer to God?

"Elder James E. Talmage illustrates the sustaining influence of the Holy Ghost in the callings and operations of the priesthood:

'Ordination of Men to the Ministry, as sanctioned by scriptural precedent and established by direct revelation of God's will, is to be effected through the gift of prophecy and by the impositions of hands by those who are in authority. By prophecy is meant the right to receive and the power to interpret manifestations of the divine will.' (Articles of Faith, p. 182)" (Book of Mormon Student Manual, 1981, p. 508)

-Do we truly understand or try to better understand the ordinances of the Gospel? Do we attend sacrament meeting, Sunday School, the temple and other sacred places with questions and with a pondering and open heart?
We have been given so many tools and resources and yet do we use them? Do we truly try every day to ponder, hunger and thirst on the Words of God?

- How can we make the sacrament more meaningful in our lives and truly allow it to change us?

"are willing to" (Mornoi 4:3)
- Are will willing to take upon Christ names? To make the sacrifice to become like Him? Are we willing to give up our favorite sins? Are we willing to change? What are you willing to do for Christ?

Blessing- I have a greater knowledge of the amazing gospel of Jesus Christ each time I ponder it.


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