- Everyone one wants to live with God again after we complete our work in this life. But will we feel comfortable living with Him? What did we do to improve our lives and become more like our Savoir Jesus Christ? Or did we?
We must improve our lives each day and if we don't know or aren't sure where to start, then pray. Heavenly Father has promised us that He will answer our prayers if we ask.

Mormon 8:11 "But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles,"

-Heavenly Father has done and continues to do miracles for His children today. He uses His magnificent powers to give us blessings, to heal us, to create things every day for our sake.

-I think often times we give science and scientists way to much credit. If it weren't for God we would have nothing. Yes, our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ created this world and all that is in it but he created just that "all that is in it". Just like Thomas Edison created the light bulb which we use every single day without recognizing the blessing of it. And yet we also don't give credit to God the ultimate creator of all things.

This is an amazing blessing and promise, (Mormon 9:21) "Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted unto him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth."

-Wow! This is a good question to ask ourselves; DO WE BELIEVE JUST IN CHRIST, OR DO WE ALSO BELIEVE CHRIST?

Mormon 9:27, "Doubt not, but be believing,"

-This is easier said then done but it is something that we should work on every day of our lives. As we do this we have been promised many blessings and miracles in our lives. Not only that but I believe we will come to recongize them more in our lives.

God didn't give us fear or want us to doubt. He has given us faith and our Savior Jesus Christ to have faith in. Is there any greater blessing?

Blessing- My Savior Jesus Christ loves me, died for me, and helps me through all things.


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