The righteous are "fasting and praying" (Alma 28:6) and they receive "joy because of the light of Christ unto life." (vs 14)
- How can we make sure in this life that we are doing what we are supposed to and what our Father in Heaven wants us to do at this time? How can we be sure?
(Alma 29:4) Heavenly Father is "...a just God, for I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire,... according to their will,"
Here is a talk called "According to the Desire of [our] hearts" By Neal A. Maxwell:
In reading it I learned:
"Desire denotes a real longing or craving. Hence righteous desires are much more than passive preferences or fleeting feelings. Of course our genes, circumstances, and environments matter very much, and they shape us significantly. Yet there remains an inner zone in which we are sovereign, unless we abdicate. In this zone lies the essence of our individuality and our personal accountability."
"...reality requires that we acknowledge our responsibility for our desires."
- This means we must make sure we have righteous desires and be continually trying to a line our will or the desires of our heart with that of our Heavenly Father and what He desires for us.
"many are called but few are chosen" this is a great example of what can come of having righteous desires that a-line with God's will.
Blessing: I have a great desire to be better and to follow my Saviors example
- How can we make sure in this life that we are doing what we are supposed to and what our Father in Heaven wants us to do at this time? How can we be sure?
(Alma 29:4) Heavenly Father is "...a just God, for I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire,... according to their will,"
Here is a talk called "According to the Desire of [our] hearts" By Neal A. Maxwell:
In reading it I learned:
"Desire denotes a real longing or craving. Hence righteous desires are much more than passive preferences or fleeting feelings. Of course our genes, circumstances, and environments matter very much, and they shape us significantly. Yet there remains an inner zone in which we are sovereign, unless we abdicate. In this zone lies the essence of our individuality and our personal accountability."
"...reality requires that we acknowledge our responsibility for our desires."
- This means we must make sure we have righteous desires and be continually trying to a line our will or the desires of our heart with that of our Heavenly Father and what He desires for us.
"many are called but few are chosen" this is a great example of what can come of having righteous desires that a-line with God's will.
Blessing: I have a great desire to be better and to follow my Saviors example
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