Because of the willingness of the sons of Mosiah to reach out to God and to ask for help; to fast and pray and study the scriptures. They did all they knew to do and were able to have much success. God has promised us that if we do His will and what He has asked that He will help us and be with us always. Now we just have to choose to do so and go ahead and start not doubting.

"...the Lord did visit them with his spirit, and said unto them; be comforted."

Comforted- participle passive Strengthened; consoled; encouraged.
The spirit can bring to us feelings of peace, comfort, and joy when we are doing what the Lord has asked us to do and living in such a way that is welcoming to him.

>These verses are a good example to me of the Lord always coming through, doing as He has promised and strengthened us in times of need. It is often hard to go through trials and tribulation in this live especially not understanding the end result or the bigger picture. But having faith in God and that He has a master plan will make it that much easier and not only that but will give us the strength to go to Him in prayer and fasting and ask for more strength and comfort in the journey of life.

Blessing- The Lord cares about me and will listen to me no matte what.


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