-The Lord will comfort us and help us through our afflictions but he won't take them away from us. They are there to make us stronger and I think the most important reason to bring us to humility in our Father in Heaven.
-We are given an amazing duty of bringing others to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we will be blessed for all of our efforts in doing so. It's amazing that the Lord doesn't just give blessings to the Prophet and Apostles but to everyone who does His work her on earth.

"my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being," (Alma 26:35)

-This scripture gives me a lot of peace because it gives me a better understanding of my Father in Heaven and who He is. Most of the world look at God as an all-powerful, scary, controlling man. I know Him to be an all-knowing, kind, compassionate man.

Because Ammon was such a righteous and obedient servant of the Lord he was filled with joy. The scriptures say, "this joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness."

PEN'ITENT- adjective [Latin poenitens.] Suffering pain or sorrow of heart on account of sins, crimes or offenses; contrite; sincerely affected by a sense of guilt and resolving on amendment of life.

As we truly go to God in humility and repent we can receive a fullness of joy. That's a lot to work on but with Christ, all can be done.

Blessing: SNOW!


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