Alma 12:14 warns us that our words, works, and thoughts will condemn us in the last day. But I think if we are careful with our words, works, and thoughts then come judgment day God will have those before Him and will be able to account the good we have done while in this life.

It is our duty to repent and to continually strive to be better and do better so that we can go to the judgment bar spotless.

When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit "God placed (a) cherubim and a flaming sword" in the garden of Eden, to protect the tree of life. If they would have partaken of the tree of life they would have lived in misery forever not knowing good from evil, happiness from sadness.

Blessing: God has given me agency to do whatever I would like but He is also there to counsel with me on what would be best for me.


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