"have strength, that they may bear their afflictions..." (Alma 31:33)
"success to bringing them again unto thee in Christ." (vs 34)
What does it take for us to have strength like them? How can we access it in these days?
We need to allow ourselves to be "swallowed up in the joy of Christ."

- What are some ways we can do that? I think learning more about our Savior Jesus Christ and gaining a stronger relationship with Him and our Father in Heaven is one of the biggest ways we can do this. But also being more like our Savior and doing things that He would do in order to be more like Him. Christ served those who hated Him and blessed those who cursed His name. How easy is it for us to get upset at others or to allow others actions to mess up our day or ruin our mood?

Blessing: God reminds me that I'm loved in so many ways.


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