the doctrine of redemption from sin is contingent upon faith in Christ.*

All things will come out and God will know about them and we will be judged by them when Judgement day comes. Our bodies will be reunited with our spirits never to be divided again. We need to take care of our bodies on this earth and make sure they stay healthy and clean. Not only for our health but because they ultimately aren't ours, we are borrowing them from God who gave them to us as a gift.

-God knows the intent of our hearts, he also knows our thoughts, actions, word, and deeds and when we call upon Him for help and strength He will give it to us to have more Christlike thoughts, words, and deeds.
-If we have a desire to be more like the Savior in any way we can receive the strength to do so.

Blessing- I have a desire to be better and to continue to learn how I can improve my own life.


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