Alma and Amulek "went immediately, obeying..." they did as they were told or asked of the Lord without questioning His directions.
-That is something that isn't easy. It's more of the natural man to question and to do it slowly or not at all. Being willing to submit to the Fathers will and do as he is asked is a great task.

Alma met up with his brothers and was really happy to see them. His brothers were doing as the Lord had asked and "...had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently that they might know the word of God." (Alma 17:2)
-We should all do this, and live our lives accordingly. What more can I do to live my life this way? In what ways can I or do I need to improve?
Then they also fasted and prayed and had authority from God. God gives authority to His children to preach His word.

Blessing- Knowledge of the gospel and leaders chosen of God to direct us.


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