Alma 18:9
The lessons learned are that 1) before teaching an investigator, one must first establish a relationship of trust, 2) humility has a great effect on the investigator, and 3) integrity and obedience will demonstrate one's good intentions.

- We should go to others with the great intent of serving them and the Lord. The Lord wants to use each of us as instruments in His hands as he did with Ammon but we must do what it takes in our lives to be guided by the spirit always to know what greater things can be done in order to fulfill God's will.
- If we are always seeking out God's will and doing it we will be a happier people.

Ammon also uses an amazing technique by asking inspired questions, trying to understand what his "investigator" Kind Lamoni already believes and starting at the level of learning where he is at. That's important. This way of teaching is inspired and God can work through it as we try to do His will.

God has a plan for all things we must be willing to listen, be patient and be ready and worthy to act when He is ready.

Blessing: God gives us blessings when we need them not when we want them.


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