"search diligently in the light of Christ that ye man know good from evil;" (Moroni 7:19)
It shows us that we have to work for answers, in other words, do our part to search, recognize, and receive the answers of our hearts.
"all things which are good cometh of Christ;" (Moroni 7:24) it is important to recognize our feelings and realize that if we don't feel good about something it's not coming from Christ and we need to seek out the reason why and what we can do in order to fully understand what we need to change or improve on in our lives.
vs 26 "as surely as Christ liveth"--> vs 31 "bear testimony of him." -Colo 3:17
"whatsoever things ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you." (Mornoni 7:26)
Believing stuck out to me in this scripture probably because a lot of things are easy to believe in as long as you see them happening in life, but when you don't know if you'll ever get them or achieve something it's hard to believe.
Believe-To expect or hope with confidence; to trust.
I love that "to trust". I need to work on trusting in my Father in Heaven more and to have more confidence in his plan and what He has in store for me.
"it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men;" (Moroni 7:37)
It is so important to be continually working on our faith and strengthening it with every trial and experience we go through.
(Moroni 7:40) How is it that ye can attain faith, save ye shall have hope?" We can't have faith if we don't have hope first in the things of life, in God's plan for us or in ourselves that we can achieve and accomplish everything that God has for us to do in this life.
"without faith there cannot be any hope." vs 42
Blessing: I am thankful for the temple close by that I was able to go to this morning and feel of the peace and comfort it bring to me.
It shows us that we have to work for answers, in other words, do our part to search, recognize, and receive the answers of our hearts.
"all things which are good cometh of Christ;" (Moroni 7:24) it is important to recognize our feelings and realize that if we don't feel good about something it's not coming from Christ and we need to seek out the reason why and what we can do in order to fully understand what we need to change or improve on in our lives.
vs 26 "as surely as Christ liveth"--> vs 31 "bear testimony of him." -Colo 3:17
"whatsoever things ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you." (Mornoni 7:26)
Believing stuck out to me in this scripture probably because a lot of things are easy to believe in as long as you see them happening in life, but when you don't know if you'll ever get them or achieve something it's hard to believe.
Believe-To expect or hope with confidence; to trust.
I love that "to trust". I need to work on trusting in my Father in Heaven more and to have more confidence in his plan and what He has in store for me.
"it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men;" (Moroni 7:37)
It is so important to be continually working on our faith and strengthening it with every trial and experience we go through.
(Moroni 7:40) How is it that ye can attain faith, save ye shall have hope?" We can't have faith if we don't have hope first in the things of life, in God's plan for us or in ourselves that we can achieve and accomplish everything that God has for us to do in this life.
"without faith there cannot be any hope." vs 42
Blessing: I am thankful for the temple close by that I was able to go to this morning and feel of the peace and comfort it bring to me.
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