I love the sacrament prayers; there is so much meaning and symbolism in them.
Teaching the YW (and myself) how to memorize the Sacrament Prayer (Personal Progress check off):
I think the difference and similarities are fascinating between the two prayers.
It is asked that Christ would BLESS and SANCTIFY the bread.
Sanctify1. In a general sense, to cleanse, purify or make holy. 2. To separate, set apart or appoint to a holy, sacred or religious use.
Then we are asked to partake of it and remember our Saviors Body and the sacrifice He has made for each of us.
We promise; 1. take upon us the name of Jesus Christ, 2. always remember him and to 3/ keep His commandments.
We are promised: that we will "always have hisSpiriti to be with" us. Moroni 4:3
"...remember the word of God which saith by their works ye shall know them;"
We need to live righteous lives and do as our Father in Heaven and Savior direct us to do.
Elder Perry sacrament:
That which is good cometh of God and that which is evil cometh of the devil. We must learn to recognize the difference in our lives and how our Father in Heaven speaks to each of us.
"... it is given unto you to judge, that ye many know good from evil;" -2 Nephi 2, 
We were all given the light of Christ when we came to earth in order to know good from evil then we can live righteous to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and have more influence for good and help to return to live with our Father in Heaven.
"ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God." because of the spirit which is with you. Moroni 7:16
Blessing: I have been blessed with the opportunity and privilege to go to church and partake of the sacrament each week, as well as have a small understanding of the importance of it.


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