I was just thinking today what are the definitions of the words; doctrine and covenants?
Doctrine In a general sense, whatever is taught. Hence, a principle or position in any science; whatever is laid down as true by an instructor or master. The doctrines of the gospel are the principles or truths taught by Christ and his apostles. The doctrines of Plato are the principles which he taught. Hence a doctrine may be true or false; it may be a mere tenet or opinion.
CovenantsA mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons, to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract; stipulation. A covenant is created by deed in writing, sealed and executed; or it may be implied in the contract.

D&C 3
This chapter testifies and speaks of the power of translation and that the manuscript will be lost. But in vs 16 God said, "Nevertheless, my work shall go forth, for inasmuch as the knowledge of the Savior has come unto the world, through the testimony of the Jews, even so shall the knowledge of the Savior come unto my people." 
God has a plan and work that needs to be done to fulfill his plan and it will happen.

Doctrine & Covenants 4 - LDS Missionary Print. $8.00, via Etsy.    They are customizing it with the mission and dates of service!:

Serving God with all of our "heart, might, mind and strength" in order to stand blameless before God at Judgement day.
-Do I have a desire to serve God? vs 3
-How do I show God I have a desire to serve Him?
-Do I do what is asked of me? Do I ask what I need to do for Him?
"And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work." D&C 4:5 - Cross refference Ether 12

I love this direction with a followed promise blessing, "Ask, and ye shall receive, knock, and it shall be opened unto you." vs 7

Blessing: I was able to talk to my amazing bishop last night and get comfort and peace from his counsel as well as receive a blessing.


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