Sarah's name means princess, and in Genesis it was changed from Sarai to Sarah, which means princess,
-How can we more easily live our lives in order to believe and follow our leaders more closely?
I learned at that Lehi must have held the Melchizedekidic priesthood in order to build an alter and worship God in this way.
-When life gets hard am I going to act like Nephi or Laman and Lemuel? Which is easier? Which is more as the Savior would respond in hard times?
Laman and Lemuel didn't know God or His plan or his Gospel, neither did they seek to know.
Nephi had a great desire to know the mysteries of God (1 Nephi 2:16), but in order to gain a greater knowledge we must have a desire and live accordingly, which Nephi did. If we want to know and receive answers we must live our lives in a way that we might be worthy to receive them; live like Nephi not like Laman and Lemuel.
Be believing! Nephi believed in the words of the Lord and didn't question them as Laman and Lemuel did.
Blessing: I have great friends at work.
-How can we more easily live our lives in order to believe and follow our leaders more closely?
I learned at that Lehi must have held the Melchizedekidic priesthood in order to build an alter and worship God in this way.
-When life gets hard am I going to act like Nephi or Laman and Lemuel? Which is easier? Which is more as the Savior would respond in hard times?
Neal A. Maxwell said,
"Enduring 'well' means passing the breaking point without breaking, having cause to be bitter-as men measure cause-without being bitter. Enduring 'well' means the disciple in the very trough of his difficulties avoids, as Job wisely did, having 'charged God foolishly.' The 'murmuring' so often mentioned in the Book of Mormon is kindred to the feelings we may sometimes have when we do not really question God's existence but rather his fair play, and we wrongly begin to make demands of him. (Helaman 16:17-20.) Murmuring may have no single cause, but a lack of perspective is suggested: 'They did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.' (1 Nephi 2:12.) A brighter time will come when they that murmured 'shall learn doctrine,' (Isa 29:24) suggesting that conceptual inadequacy can cause us to murmur and complain." (A Time to Choose, p. 42)
I really like that phrase "passing the breaking point without breaking". I think that goes into a lot with having a relationship with our father in Heaven and being able to go to Him when we are having a hard time. Laman and Lemuel didn't know God or His plan or his Gospel, neither did they seek to know.
Nephi had a great desire to know the mysteries of God (1 Nephi 2:16), but in order to gain a greater knowledge we must have a desire and live accordingly, which Nephi did. If we want to know and receive answers we must live our lives in a way that we might be worthy to receive them; live like Nephi not like Laman and Lemuel.
Be believing! Nephi believed in the words of the Lord and didn't question them as Laman and Lemuel did.
Blessing: I have great friends at work.
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