"I do put my trust in him," (Alma 36:27) Do I really put my trust in the Lord, or do I try to do it all by myself?
It also talks about the records being "preserved for a wise purpose, which purpose is known unto God;" (Alma 37:12)
God has a plan for all things somethings the plan isn't and won't be executed for a while but He knows what He is doing and will make it happen on the behalf of His children.
(Alma 37:16:17) "...for God is powerful to the fulfilling of his words.
For he will fulfil all his promises which he shall make unto you,"
Elder Holland talked about this when he came to Stake Conference, he said, "Every promise God has given will be fulfilled."
Blessing: The Lord reveals Himself to me every day, (But I have to be worthy and watching)
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