Alma 27:17, "Now the joy of Ammon was so great even he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength; and he fell again to the earth."
I can't even imagine that being swallowed up in the joy of God. Just think our Father in Heaven knows all things and to think that he was able to experience that joy and happiness on a level he had never experienced it before must have been exhausting for a man.
Then the scriptures go on in vs 18 and say that no one could receive this joy except those who are "truly penitent and humble seekers of happiness."
Penitent- suffering pain or sorrow of heart on account of sins. 

They took upon them the name "the people of Ammon" (Alma 27:26) "they were numbered among the people who were of the church of God. And they were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ,"

Zeal- passionate ardor in the pursuit of anything.
They are a good example for us to follow. Just think, how different would the world be today if everyone was like them, perfectly honest and upright in all things and had a firm faith in Christ?


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