To "search" is to try to understand, to look for personal meaning, to understand historical context, to reference other sources, to find resolution to conflicts, and to internalize principles. The Lord has never commanded the saints to "read" the scriptures; He always commands them to "search" them: search them diligently that ye may profit, and search these things diligently, for great are the words of Isaiah (3 Ne 23:1). The result of diligent searching is that one becomes as the sons of Mosiah who had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth (Alma 17:2).*

- I really like this insight on searching the scriptures and using the to apply not just to mark of a duty on our daily to-do list.

"go up to the temple" (Mosiah 1:18)

"In June 1994, President Howard W. Hunter encouraged members to 'establish the temple of the Lord as the great symbol of their membership and the supernal setting for their most sacred covenants,' and to 'go not only for our kindred dead, but let us also go for the personal blessing of temple worship.' (Church News, "Temple Moments: Incomprehensible Joy", 02/15/97)

- Going to the temple brings peace and blessing that we can't even comprehend or dream up in our own lives.

We as God's children need to be more grateful for the things that we have and the blessings that are always being poured onto us from our Father in Heaven. It is easy to look at life and the things we don't have and think we aren't being blessed but it take more work to notice our numberless blessings.

We need to think of the; how, why, when of service and change the way we do it to be more like our Savior and serve selflessly.

Blessing: I'm blessed with a job that I get to serve and help people every single day.


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