Mosiah is a very righteous leader, one thing that impresses me that he says is that he is going to go down and with with his people even though he is old, and he says "we did go up in the strength of the Lord to battle." (Mosiah 10:10)

- We should all go to battle against satan in our own life using the strength that the Lord has promised us. Why leave our tools and weapons at home when we were given them and told, how, when, and where to use them?

It is interesting that King Laman is so righteous and yet he has such a wicked son King Noah who does everything against the Lord and His commandments. You would think after thousands of years that our Father in Heavens people would understand and learn that following Satan's plan doesn't do anyone any good they just live a more miserable life because of it.

It talks of people who did "labor exceedingly to support iniquity." (Mosiah11:6)
-People have been doing this since the beginning of time, it is one of Satans old tricks and to be caught in it and fall for his flattery is foolish. People all over the world labor all their day to support their iniquity or their sins.
How can we make sure we are teaching our children to be aware of Satans traps and flattery?
I think teaching them to live the gospel and to what source they must go to receive answers and help. Teaching them that worldly possessions will only satisfy them for a moment but living the gospel will satisfy and bring happiness forever.

Blessing: We have  Prophet who is a righteous leader and who guides us and directs us to be the best we can.


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