Mosiah 3:19

Hartman Rector Jr.

"(Speaking of Mosiah 3:19) This is strong testimony borne against man, but a perusal of the pages of history leaves little doubt as to its truthfulness. Man's inhumanity to man has always been and is now everywhere in evidence.

"How can fallen human nature be changed from evil to good? Basically, this must be the most important question confronting mankind. All other questions seem to pale into insignificance when compared to this one, because man cannot be saved in his sins. And yet there are those who say, 'You can't change human nature.' This claim is very frequently and flippantly made. Of course, it is false. President David O. McKay taught something completely different from this in 1945 when he said: 'Human nature will have to be changed on an enormous scale in the future or the world will be drowned in its own blood.'" (Conference Report, Apr. 1970, p. 102)*

- We are asked in this scripture too:
1. "yield(s) to the enticings of the Holy Spirit;"
2. "putteth of the natural man"
3. "becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord;"
4. "becometh as a child"

These are ways to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ and to ways to better ourselves. We need to have the desire to change the way we are living our life be more Christlike and be willing to (D&C 20:37) "willing to take upon the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end," 

It is such a great blessing to have an example of those that Heavenly Father has sent down to be examples to and for us in order to know what it takes to return to live with him again.

Blessing: I'm thankful for the knowledge of repentance and that I can be forgiven of my sins each day.


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