I love that Jacob states, "he had heard my cry and answered my prayer." talking about our Father in Heaven. Becuase He does always hear and answer our prayers but it is not when or how we always want to them to be answered.
Because the people did trust their God (7:25) they did concur their enemies.
-How can we be more trusting and have more faith in our Father in Heaven?

Enos starts out his section with talking about a mighty prayer he has with God. I think sometimes I need to have a more intense and personal prayer with my Father in Heaven, especially when I feel lost or alone. I know He hears me.

-What is it that keeps us from saying more meaningful prayers to our Father in Heaven, our Creator? I feel at times I talk to others and will tell them my worries, troubles and exciting things before I will tell God. He want's to hear it all probably more than the person we are telling does.

Blessing- I am able to pray whenever I want and my Heavenly Father will hear me.


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