Continuing to study Mosiah 4:9...

"The Son of Man hath descended below them all, Art thou greater than he?" (D&C 122:8)

We don't nor can we come close to understanding what the Atonement was even like. Christ experienced everything so that He could better comprehend everything we go through and feel all the emotions we feel.
I am so thankful for that, I am thankful I have someone I can go to who truly understands and cares enough to listen to me and what I am going through and experiencing.

"if ye believe all these things see that ye do them." 
We are asked to live our lives better, to improve who we are and how we think and the way we do things because we believe.

Because of our Savior Jesus Christ we can be clean of all our transgressions and turn to Him and be strengthened. We must act, believe and go forth and do.

Blessing: I have some great jobs that I love.


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