Every word that was written and every phrase that was ecked in and from the plated is there for us. We should be so thankful for the work that our Prophet Joseph Smith put into translating the Book of Mormon and trying to understand the meaning of these things. He had limited schooling and yet God blessed him to do amazing miracles in His name.

"And in the strenth of the Lord..." (WOM 1:14)
How do we access that strength that comes from the Lord?
How do we need to beliving our lives?
How can we change to recieve it?
Are there things that need to be changed or reevaluated in our lives to gain this gift?

"When Joseph Smith said 'the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth,' it seems evident that he was not talking about grammar, punctuation, or spelling.  He was referring to the clarity and depth of doctrine, to the mission and message of the book, to the spirit of inspiration that it fosters, to the divine desire that it sparks in the soul to make the 'mighty change,' and to the abiding love of the Lord that it brings into our hearts."*

God is able to give us everything we need as long as we are willing to ask Him for it as well as willing to work hard.

Blessing: I'm thankful for the many blessings God gives me each day and that even when I don't think He is aware of me, He is and always is, and knows what is best for me.


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