"...we have no more disposition to do evil but to do good continually." (Mosiah 5:2)
-That is something I wish I could have, the majority of my life I try to live it in such a way that I can do good continually but I also make mistakes, thank goodness for the Atonement.


God asks us to follow His son Jesus Christ. What does that mean to you? How can you better follow Him and obey His commandments? There are ways in which we have been guided and counseled to do and I know that by doing them that we will be blessed.
By following the guidance of our leaders both locally and our General Authorities we will not go astray. Becuase the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so pure and easy to understand. I love the concept of prayer and that we can pray anywhere and anytime and God our Heavenly Father hears us and will answer our prayers. I know He hears us. Not because I have received the answers I want to every pray I've prayed but often times because I haven't and he has blessed me more in other ways that were better for me.
I know the scriptures are the word of God, without a shadow of a doubt. I know that we have them to guide us and direct us in the way of our Father in Heaven, as read them daily and follow the guidance that is in them our lives will change for the better and we will be able to understand and know the mysteries of God as they unfold before our very eyes.
I know President Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God called to guide and direct His children with the help of so many other righteous men and women who give their lives for the service of God. I know He speaks to God and is able to guide us to be like our Savior.
I know Christ is my Savior and redeemer and that He atoned for my sins and lived for me. I know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God and that he saw the resurrected Savior and God the Father. I know God is aware of each of us and that He does know us perfectly. I know these things and live my life better each day because of them. In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


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