It's interesting that in chapter 7 the Laman and Lemual didn't complain about going back to Jerusalem the second time to get Ishmael and his family in order to obtain wives. I think often we complain easily about things unless we benefit or get something out of the deal.
-Nephi is questioning his brothers on how they could forget the many miracles the Lord has done on their behalf and still they sin and rebel. I thought, though, how often does the Lord help me and yet I am not thankful, I complain and want more or something different?
Nephi asks his brothers how they could "have forgotten what great things the Lord hath done for us," I think this is one reason we are asked repeatedly by the brethren to go to church, partake of the sacrament, study the scriptures, say our prayers, go to the temple... They understand and now that we need to remember what our Lord God has done for us in order to stay faithful to His commandments.
At this time is when the people are rejecting the Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible, they cast him in prison and he testifies of it in Jeremiah 18:18,23.
Nephi has been given such an amazing gift of recognizing blessings and the Lords hand in his life. I want that I want to be able to recognize blessings that God pours down upon me every single day.
Nephi did "frankly forgive them" (1 Nephi 7:21)
Frankly-Openly; freely;
He is such a great example, it would be hard to forgive that easily brothers who were trying to kill you.
-Nephi is questioning his brothers on how they could forget the many miracles the Lord has done on their behalf and still they sin and rebel. I thought, though, how often does the Lord help me and yet I am not thankful, I complain and want more or something different?
Nephi asks his brothers how they could "have forgotten what great things the Lord hath done for us," I think this is one reason we are asked repeatedly by the brethren to go to church, partake of the sacrament, study the scriptures, say our prayers, go to the temple... They understand and now that we need to remember what our Lord God has done for us in order to stay faithful to His commandments.
At this time is when the people are rejecting the Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible, they cast him in prison and he testifies of it in Jeremiah 18:18,23.
Nephi has been given such an amazing gift of recognizing blessings and the Lords hand in his life. I want that I want to be able to recognize blessings that God pours down upon me every single day.
Nephi did "frankly forgive them" (1 Nephi 7:21)
Frankly-Openly; freely;
He is such a great example, it would be hard to forgive that easily brothers who were trying to kill you.
Blessing: My garden is growing so well, I am thankful for the sun and water I have to water it.
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