"And I also saw and bear record that the Holy Ghost fell upon twelve others; and they were ordained of God, and chosen." 1 Nephi 12:7
God chooses those who lead His church according to their obedience, but we can all serve God by serving others.
"the twelve disciples of the Lamb," vs 8
God chooses those who lead His church according to their obedience, but we can all serve God by serving others.
"the twelve disciples of the Lamb," vs 8
James E. Talmage said
"Discipleship is general; any follower of a man or devotee to a principle may be called a disciple, The Holy Apostleship is an office and calling belonging to the Higher or Melchizedek Priesthood, at once exalted and specific, comprising as a distinguishing function that of personal and special witness to the divinity of Jesus Christ as the one and only Redeemer and Savior of mankind. The apostleship is an individual bestowal, and as such is conferred only through ordination. That the Twelve did constitute a council or 'quorum' having authority in the Church established by Jesus Christ is shown by their ministrations after the Lord's resurrection and ascension.
"....The word 'apostle' is an Anglicized form derived from the Greek apostolos, meaning literally 'one who is sent,' and connoting an envoy or official messenger, who speaks and acts by the authority of one superior to himself." (Jesus the Christ, p. 227-8)
The twelve apostles will be the judges of the twelve tribes of Israel. vs 9
The apostles are special witnesses of our Savior Jesus Christ. They also have lived their lives in His service as well as has had great faith. To be like them we need to be more willing to do as the Lord asks us and have more Faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as well as in our Father in Heaven and in His plan for us.
Blessing: We have been given many different ways to receive blessings if we will but act on them.
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