2 Ne 1:4 a land which is choice above all other lands
In the allegory of the olive tree, the land of promise is referred to as a good spot of ground (Jacob 5:25). See also Ether 2:7-12. The reasons why this is such a choice land is described in the next several verses.
The Lord will covenant with us and He will keep His promises, but we must be willing to do the same.
Marvin J. Ashton said,
"Who among us hasn't felt the chains of bad habits? These habits may have impeded our progress, may have made us forget who we are, may have destroyed our self-image, may have put our family life in jeopardy, and may have hindered our ability to serve our fellowmen and our God. So many of us tend to say. 'This is the way I am. I can't change....'Lehi warned his sons to 'shake off the chains' because he knew that chains restrict our mobility, growth, and happiness. They cause us to become confused and less able to be guided by God's Spirit...Samuel Johnson wisely shared, 'The chains of habit are too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken' (International Dictionary of Thoughts, p. 348)....Living a life of righteousness is a chainbreaker. Many of us today are shackled by the restrictive chains of poor habits. We are bound by inferior self-images created by misconduct and indifference. We are chained by an unwillingness to change for the better....Shaking off restrictive chains requires action....It requires commitment, self-discipline, and work. Chains weigh heavily on troubled hearts and souls. They relegate us to lives of no purpose or light. They cause us to become confused and lose the spirit....These chains cannot be broken by those who live in lust and self-deceit. They can only be broken by people who are willing to change. We must face up to the hard reality of life that damaging chains are broken only by people of courage and commitment who are willing to struggle and weather the pain....To change or break some of our chains even in a small way means to give up some behavior of habits that have been very important to us in the past....Even if our present way of life is painful and self-destructive, some of us...become comfortable with it. Those who are committed to improvement break chains by having the courage to try." (Ensign, Nov. 1985, pp. 13-5 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 83-4)
What are our bad habits? What do we need to be more aware of that we do often and need to stop?
Blessing:Scriptures that I get to read from every morning.
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