-The scriptures are amazing the peace they can bring to you for just reading them and applying them to your life. Life isn't easy, it wasn't meant to be but Christ knows what you need at any given time and will bring you comfort when you need it the most.
-The people in 3 Nephi 19 "prayed for that thing which they most desired...the Holy Ghost" (3 Nephi 19:9) What do my prayers consist of? Do I pray for things that are good for me and that I want the most? Do I ask if they are good for me? Am I praying in the attitude of prayer to understand and do God's will?

"pray on..." Jesus said.
-In what ways can we be more diligent in our prayers and truly understand the importance of them?

Faith it's the key to believing and to a better understanding of this life. With faith, we grow and gain knowledge that we need to become who God wants us to become.

Blessing- Heavenly Father knows me and loves me.


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