Christ is asking us to come to him and be saved. But we must know Him and know his gospel in order for Him to accept Him as a child of God.
-Christ asked us to "take up your cross," We are asked to do our part and to bring our best self and our best efforts to the table.

Ezra Taft Benson

"Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ liberated man from the world, by the pure gospel of love. He demonstrated that man, through a love of God, and through kindness and charity to his fellows, could achieve his highest potential...His charge to return good for evil is still the greatest challenge to the mind of man. At the same time it is man's greatest weapon."(So Shall Ye Reap, p. 6)

-I really like this quote by President Benson, It helps me remember that we are all children of God and by doing what we know we should like treating others kindly it brings us closer to God. I think we will grow even more when those we are trying to serve don't like us or are continually mean to us. God will bless us as He sees fit.

This is a powerful Quote; Elder Bruce R. McConkie said

"Finite perfection may be gained by the righteous saints in this life. It consists in living a god fearing life of devotion to the truth, of walking in complete submission to the will of the Lord, and of putting first in one's life the things of the kingdom of God. Infinite perfection is reserved for those who overcome all things and inherit the fullness of the Father in the mansions hereafter. It consists in gaining eternal life, the kind of life which God has in the highest heaven within the celestial world." (Mormon Doctrine, p. 567)

Blessing- God loves us and wants us to succeed so He has given us a way back to him and to gain a relationship with Him and His Son.


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