Russell M. Nelson quoted Elder Mark E. Peterson in regards to 3 Nephi 12:6 "...blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."

" 'Do you know what it is to be really hungry? Do you know what it is to really be thirsty? Do you desire righteousness as you would desire food under extreme conditions or drink under extreme conditions? [The Savior] expects us to literally hunger and thirst after righteousness and seek it with all our hearts!' "

-I haven't ever been really truly hungry or thirsty in a physical sense, but I have been in a spiritual sense. Wanting and yearning or answer to prayers and questions I desire to know more about, we also need to though as the scriptures say to hunger and thirst after righteousness and seek it. We need to work at it, it isn't just going to come because we want it to or because we asked for it.

I love this quote, I even wrote some of it down and put it in my scriptures;

Dallin H. Oaks

"The issue is not what we have done but what we have become. And what we have become is the result of more than our actions. It is also the result of our attitudes, our motives, and our desires. Each of these is an ingredient of the pure heart...To become pure in heart--to achieve exaltation--we must alter our attitudes and priorities to a condition of spirituality, we must control our thoughts, we must reform our motives, and we must perfect our desires." (Pure in Heart, pp. 139-40 as taken from The Mount and the Master, by Robert E. Wells, p. 79)

-What are we becoming and what will we have become when Christ comes? Have we learned to control ourselves and desire to do God's will?

Blessing- General Conference Address ensign, I read a talk for the first time yesterday and it was so uplifting and inspiring.


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