- I have been trying to improve my prayers a lot in the last year or so. I can't imagine what it would have been like to hear Christ pray to His Father, to witness and hear a perfect prayer. What are things we can do? I think having something specific each day that has been on our mind or a question we can go to Him with would help instead of just thanking Him and praying for the same things every time.
-What would it have been like to hear with your own ears Christ praying to the Father for you? I can imagine I would be an emotional mess, as I am reminded of the love He has for me and the hope and plans He has for me and my life.
- Christ asked that the little children be brought to Him, then He blessed them. This is interesting because little children will believe what they hear and what you tell them. They trust you fully. That is why Christ has instructed us to be as little children and to be more teachable and willing to listen. They are also a lot more humble and willing to take correction and guidance to how to live their lives then we are.
It's interesting to me when people don't like kids. I work with kids every day and they are so amazing. I learn something from them every day. If we are around them more and try to be more humble and teachable like they are then we can become more like our Savior would have us be.

Blessing- I was able to come home this weekend and spend time with the family. Kayl is home!!!


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