-We are asked to become like our Savior; in so doing we need to repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost in our lives and accept His help. This is what truly converts us to the gospel of Jesus Christ and brings us closer to Him in all things. -Because everyone was living the way they were asked they had a peace in the land and were able to feel "the love of God" (4 Nephi 1:15 in their lives. It also says about the people that "there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God." (4 Nephi 1:16) - a cross reference I love 2 Nephi 9: 39 The First Presidency "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." ("The Family: A Proclamation to the ...
Showing posts from May, 2017
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-The Three Nephites have a great desire to stay on earth and bring God's children unto Him. What a righteous desire. What are my desires? Are they righteous? Are they in line with God's plan? "I have inquired of the Lord," (3 Nephi 28:37) - Even a Prophet of God asks our Heavenly Father for guidance and direction about things that trouble Him 3 Nephi 29:1, God will fulfill His promises, in His own time but He will fulfill them. -We are invited to turn away from evil ways and to follow our Saviors example. We have been blessed with text and amazing righteous leaders that guide us and direct us to how to change our lives and if we deny this blessing and the many other blessings we have been given it will allow us to recognize and receive more along the way. Blessing- Go camping with the family.
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-Christ came down to earth and lived His life to show us exactly how to return to God and what we needed to do on this earth. Why do we make it so hard by not following His teachings or by not doing what we are asked? There is a plan there was a plan before we came down all we have to do is follow it. Think of this; putting a dresser together if you just start putting pieces together that look like they go together but you've never done it before it probably won't turn our right, the drawers won't fit, it will be crooked something will happen. But if we follow the plan already set out for us then we will have a nice upright functioning dresser. "...whatsoever things ye shall ask the Father in my name shall be given unto you." (3 Nephi 27:28) - This is a great promise that I have seen come true many times in my life. But often times I get frustrated because this also says between the lines that it will happen in God's timing and I don't understand that...
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- Christ was sent solely to atone for our sins and to and to "draw all men unto" himself. How can we allow His sacrifice to not be in vain and to allow ourselves to change and become more like our Savior by following His example? What should we be working on because we want to be like him? (3 Nephi 37:19) " No unclean thing can enter into his kingdom ; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins , and their faithfulness unto the end." -There is a lot in this scripture that we are asked to do. First of all, we are given the sacrament in order to clean ourselves, renew our covenants and become united again with Christ and with the plan . No unclean can live with God again so we can't just be okay with our sins or our way of life we must repent and become a changed person. We are asked to wash our garments with blood; this is interesting be...
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- Christ says to take His name and to also remember Him. How hard of a task is that really? We must also take it in respect and use it in respect. Name - Reputation; character; that which is commonly said of a person; as a good name; a bad name. - We are given the gospel of Jesus Christ in this day. We don't even have to work for it or to sacrifice our lives for the gospel like the people did in 1800's with the Prophet Joseph Smith so we should be more willing to sacrifice the little things we are asked to. - It's amazing to me how much more willing people are to believe in things like the rapture or even things from history that we don't have anything but writings about and yet they don't believe in our Savior Jesus Christ who died for them and suffered that they don't have to if they would believe and repent. What it's like the scripture in Helaman 8 tat is talking about the people who were asked to look at the "brazen serpent" and yet were...
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-We are given scriptures to expand our understanding and knowledge. If we read them it is promised that "then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them." (3 Nephi 26:9) So as we do the things we are asked to do we will be blessed with more knowledge and wisdom from our Father in Heaven. -3 Nephi 26:10; if we don't believe the things that are revealed unto us and do the things we are asked why do we think or believe that we will believe or do things that are greater? -God will reveal to us great and marvelous things if we are ready and if we pray ernistly to have a better understanding and desire to know His will. 3 Nephi 27:1 "the disciples were gathered together and were united in mighty prayer and fasting." -Can you imagine the miracles that could take place if we were united as a church, fasted and prayed more often and did as we were asked by our leaders? I love the phrase mighty prayer, it wasn't a casual ask for things thank God for ...
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- Heavenly Father has asked us to pay 10% to Him for all He gives to us. Is it hard? More importantly is it worth it. both of those answers are YES!! Who can give us more than God? Who else will do exactly as they promise? 3 Ne 24:10 prove me now herewith...if I will not open you the windows of heaven Gordon B. Hinckley said, "That is a wonderful promise. There is no other promise in all the world like that one in terms of the temporal salvation of the people of this Church, my brethren and sisters. I did not make it. The Lord made it and He has the power to keep His promises. It is my testimony to you that He does so. Let us live honestly with the Lord for the remainder of our lives and I do not hesitate to say that we will so be blessed." (Church News, 01/03/98) -What an amazing quote. God cannot lie so to do as he asks will bring great blessings. Let's be honest God doesn't need our money or anything we have but he wants our heart and willingness to do as He...
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-If we don't do as we are asked and told then we are living idly through life. What is the point of life if we aren't trying to be better and do better? "search the prophets" - I love this phrase. It doesn't mean just listen to Generals conference and read the Ensign but truly search what they are saying, apply it to our life and change to be better. Are we using the tools our Father in Heaven has given us to bring us closer to Him and to make us a better people? "...who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appeareth?" (3 Nephi 24:2) -Who is going to be the faithful followers of Christ and going to still be standing strong when He comes? Blessing- Christ sees more potential in us than we see in ourselves.
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- It's amazing how many times we are invited by Christ to repent, come unto him, and obey his words and commandments. We as a people obviously have a hard time with this doctrine and need more guidance and direction when it comes to this. "I will establish my church among them." (3 Nephi 21:22) - These people were wicked and were not doing as was asked of them and yet Christ believed in them and did was needed to bring them back to Him. I need to remember that Christ has a plan and that everything will be fair and work out in the end. "the father among all nations in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home... This scripture is talking about gathering them home to the place of their inheritance, where their ancestors were. But I was thinking about our heavenly home with my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father has prepared a way for us to return to His home and to live with Him again someday. I am so thankful for this plan...
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"And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fulness of my gospel shall be preached unto them; And they shall believe in me, that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and shall pray unto the Father in my name." (3 Nephi 20:30-31) Gordon B. Hinckley "Put on thy beautiful garments, O daughters of Zion. Live up to the great and magnificent inheritance which the Lord God, your Father in Heaven, has provided for you. Rise above the dust of the world. Know that you are daughters of God, children with a divine birthright. Walk in the sun with your heads high, knowing that you are loved and honored, that you are a part of his kingdom, and that there is for you a great work to be done which cannot be left to others." (Ensign, November 1983, pp. 83-84.) -This gives me strength, motivation, and determination to make a difference and be an instrument in the hand of God. Just Do It!!! We are asked to "not harden (our) hearts,... repent and come unto (Chr...
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Henry B. Eyring said, "I pray that you and I will make the choices today and tomorrow and as long as we live that will bring the influence of the Holy Ghost into our lives in the service of the Master. I testify that as we do, we will feel the cleansing that comes through the Savior's atonement, and with it the confidence that we are coming unto him. And when we are there, with him and sanctified, we shall never hunger or thirst again." (To Draw Closer to God, p. 58 - 59) - I love this quote and the promise we are given. I need this every day in my life, I seek for it and try to live my life worthy of the spirit every day. What are things that can always be improved on? What do I need to do? Blessing- I have great friends that are here to help me in times of need.
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-The scriptures are amazing the peace they can bring to you for just reading them and applying them to your life. Life isn't easy, it wasn't meant to be but Christ knows what you need at any given time and will bring you comfort when you need it the most. -The people in 3 Nephi 19 "prayed for that thing which they most desired...the Holy Ghost" (3 Nephi 19:9) What do my prayers consist of? Do I pray for things that are good for me and that I want the most? Do I ask if they are good for me? Am I praying in the attitude of prayer to understand and do God's will? " pray on. .." Jesus said. -In what ways can we be more diligent in our prayers and truly understand the importance of them? Faith it's the key to believing and to a better understanding of this life. With faith, we grow and gain knowledge that we need to become who God wants us to become. Blessing- Heavenly Father knows me and loves me.
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Christ commands us to obey the commandments, pray unto the father, and repent and be baptized. 3 Nephi 18:20 says, "A nd whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you." - I have never fully understood this scripture because it's saying if I pray for it I will receive it if it is right in God's eyes. I pray for a lot of things and often times I don't get it. How do we better a line our will with God's? - I think often we believe in Christ but we don't believe Christ. I know sometimes when I don't get what I want it's hard to believe Him and be patient with His timing. Bible Dictionary; prayer- "The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obt...
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-In what ways can I make the sacrament more meaningful each week? What can I do to redirect my attention and my mind on things that are important? -What is so symbolic of Christ breaking the bread why do we cut bread today and not break it? -We are to partake of the sacrament "in remembrance" so that we " always remember" him. (3 Nephi 18:11) I don't thin we truly understand how important this commandment is. It is not only important for us to live but to improve on each and every day especially as we partake of the sacrament each week. We should as we partake of the sacrament each week recommit ourselves to remember Christ in our lives and to live accordingly. I have always had questions about the wine vs the grape juice this is a good explanation; Christ also contrasted the wine he drank at the last supper with the grape juice which he will drink with the righteous in the kingdom of God, But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of...
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- I have been trying to improve my prayers a lot in the last year or so. I can't imagine what it would have been like to hear Christ pray to His Father, to witness and hear a perfect prayer. What are things we can do? I think having something specific each day that has been on our mind or a question we can go to Him with would help instead of just thanking Him and praying for the same things every time. -What would it have been like to hear with your own ears Christ praying to the Father for you? I can imagine I would be an emotional mess, as I am reminded of the love He has for me and the hope and plans He has for me and my life. - Christ asked that the little children be brought to Him, then He blessed them. This is interesting because little children will believe what they hear and what you tell them. They trust you fully. That is why Christ has instructed us to be as little children and to be more teachable and willing to listen. They are also a lot more humble and willing to...
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Gordon B. Hinckley said, "We all do a lot of studying, but most of us don't do much meditation. We don't take time to think. I'd like to suggest that next fast day . . . everybody in this hall set aside an hour or two. Sit by yourself. Go in the bedroom and lock the door. Go out in the yard under a tree. Go in your study if you have one and shut the door, and think about yourself and your worthiness. Read from this great book [Book of Mormon]...There's a great word that's used, 'ponder.' "'Ponder.' What do we mean by 'ponder'? Well, I think it simply means kind of quietly thinking things through. Ponder what you have read. Ponder your life. Are you worthy, are you living the commandments...?" (Church News, 01/06/96) -Christ commanded them to; 1. " ponder upon the things which I have said, 2. ask the Father, in my name, that ye many understand, 3. prepare your minds for the morrow ," (3 Nephi 17:3) -The thing...
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- It's interesting in this chapter that it talks about the scattering of Israel and the gathering. Why did God allow the people to be scattered just together them all up again in the end? (Matthew 20:16) "So the last shall be first and the first last: for many be called but few chosen." When it is talking about the gospel being preached to the gentiles will not receive it or accept it. They got the opportunity first when Christ was on the earth to receive it and they rejected it and the Savior now they will be last. "O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fullness of my gospel." -I didn't realize how amazing this phrase is. It's talking about the restored gospel, fullness means the whole gospel, not just parts of it that man have decided are the most important. It is more, far more than a city that focuses on social problems and solutions in fallen man's social programs. 'Other attempts to promote universal peace ...
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-Christ has given the opportunity to everyone and continues to give the opportunity to everyone to hear His gospel and to live it. Those who don't hear it on the earth will have the chance to in the next life. It's amazing to me the more I learn about God's plan how perfect it is. I am so thankful for the opportunity to continue to strengthen my testimony and knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. Blessing- I have been blessed with an amazing body and I'm able to accomplish God's will with it.
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"Judge not, that ye be not judged." (3 Nephi 13:1) -In Matt 7:1 it says, " Judge not unrighteously, that ye be not judged." but judge righteous judgment. - I haven't always understood this but in my life within the last year or so I have come to a better understanding of what this means. We must judge to keep ourselves safe, and we must judge in order to stay away from or not engage in things or people who aren't living their life the way you want to. -The scriptures tell us that by their fruit ye shall know them. (3 Nephi 14:20) What are some indications or signs that we can recognize or identify someone of good standing who has good fruit or is teaching us the things of the Lord? I feel the best way to tell is if you can feel the spirit and it makes you feel good, want to change, and want to share it with others. How can we better do God's will and become more like our Savior? I know that there are ways to improve each of our lives to become m...
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3 Nephi 13:8; "...for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him." -What does this mean exactly? I've learned about needs vs wants my whole life and I'm sure my definition of them is totally different compared to the Lord. I know that God knows all things and that He just wants us to do our part and have faith in Him to ask Him for things. I should ask Him more often what is good for me and what I need, what blessings and desires I should have in my life. "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven," Bruce R. McConkie said "While yet on earth men may lay up treasures in heaven. These treasures earned here and now in mortality, are in effect deposited to our eternal bank account in heaven where eventually they will be reinherited again in immortality. Treasures in heaven are the character, perfections, and attributes which men acquire by obedience to law. Thus, those who gain such attributes of godliness as knowledge, faith...
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Christ is asking us to come to him and be saved. But we must know Him and know his gospel in order for Him to accept Him as a child of God. -Christ asked us to "take up your cross," We are asked to do our part and to bring our best self and our best efforts to the table. Ezra Taft Benson "Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ liberated man from the world, by the pure gospel of love. He demonstrated that man, through a love of God, and through kindness and charity to his fellows, could achieve his highest potential...His charge to return good for evil is still the greatest challenge to the mind of man. At the same time it is man's greatest weapon."(So Shall Ye Reap, p. 6) -I really like this quote by President Benson, It helps me remember that we are all children of God and by doing what we know we should like treating others kindly it brings us closer to God. I think we will grow even more when those we are trying to serve don't like us or are continually mean ...
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Delbert Stapley "One of the best compliments an individual can say of another is that he or she is the 'salt of the earth.' It is most meaningful and suggests unquestioned Christlike character and conduct, uprightness, honesty, spirituality, sincerity of purpose, dignity, and other noble character virtues and qualities patterned after the divine nature of our Heavenly Father." (Conference Report, Oct. 1964, p. 65) 3 Nephi 12:13 the salt of the earth - a person or group of people of great kindness, reliability, or honesty. -Heavenly Father has given us all special gifts and responsibilities in order to use those gifts. I love 3 Nephi 12:16, it is a good reminder to be an example to those and to always be doing what you should because you never know who is using your light that day. I believe there are probably days that our lights are bright and we are able to light the path for others and I also believe that there are days that we are struggling and our light p...
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Russell M. Nelson quoted Elder Mark E. Peterson in regards to 3 Nephi 12:6 " ...blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost." " 'Do you know what it is to be really hungry? Do you know what it is to really be thirsty? Do you desire righteousness as you would desire food under extreme conditions or drink under extreme conditions? [The Savior] expects us to literally hunger and thirst after righteousness and seek it with all our hearts!' " -I haven't ever been really truly hungry or thirsty in a physical sense, but I have been in a spiritual sense. Wanting and yearning or answer to prayers and questions I desire to know more about, we also need to though as the scriptures say to hunger and thirst after righteousness and seek it. We need to work at it, it isn't just going to come because we want it to or because we asked for it. I love this quote, I even wrote some of it down and put ...
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- Baptism is so important, it is so sad that the world looks at it as something that just needs to be done so they baptize babies and "forgive" those who are on their death bed. Life wasn't meant to be that easy. Baptism is a changing of our whole person, our whole being and to change and become more like God we must be baptized and have a mighty change of heart and mind. If we get baptized and go back to our old ways it is a mockery to God. Joseph Smith said, "There is but one baptism; it takes the baptism of water, of the Holy Ghost, and of fire to constitute one full baptism." (Hyrum L. Andrus and Helen Mae Andrus, They Knew the Prophet, p. 51 Blessing- sunsine
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-I love that the Book of Mormon, it explains that baptism is very important for the remission of sins, that it needs to be done by one holding authority, and it must be done by immersion. These truths were lost to others during The Great Apostacy and need to be restored to the earth in order to accomplish the work of the Lord. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was made simple enough for a child to understand and we are asked to learn it and live it to the fullest. We have been given so many amazing resources that we don't really have any reason to not know the gospel and not understand what is expected of us today and to return to live with God again. Blessing- The Gospel brings strength to my life.
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Henry B. Eyring "Now, I testify it is a small voice. It whispers not shouts. And so you must be very quiet inside. That is why you may wisely fast when you want to listen. And that is why you will listen best when you feel, 'Father, thy will, not mine, be done.' You will have a feeling of 'I want what you want.' Then, the still small voice will seem as if it pierces you. It may make your bones to quake. More often it will make your heart burn within which will lift and reassure." (Ensign, May 1991, p. 67 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 409-10) -This is so necessary for each of us but also so very hard so tell God "Thy will be done." Essentially God's will happens anyways but if we accept it and go with what He has for us and wants for us then our lives will be so much easier and better off. -The Savior appears to the people in the Americas and they are able to see Him and hear His ...