"yes shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials." 
Alma 38:5
If i put my trust in God I will be able to overcome all things and accomplish all the things that He has in mind for me to do. I just need to follow my Saviors example and "be diligent and temperate in all things." Alma 38:10 Temperate- showing moderate or self-restraint. More things that I need to work on to be like my Savior. I also need to learn to bridle my passions. As I bridle my passions the Lord will better be able to help me through all of my trails and tribulations. 
In the talk "Bridle All Your Passions" By Bruce C. and Marie K. Hafen they say,
 "The Savior told the rich young man, "Sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and  ...take up the cross, and follow me " (Mark 10:21.) And Peter told teh Lord, "We have left all, and followed thee." (Mark 10:28.) These passages imply htat to follow the Savior is to live a life of self-denial, in which we renounce the human urge to be satisfied in favor of strict obedience to heavenly laws. Isn't that what the Word of Wisdom and fast Sunday and the Ten commandments are all about?" 

LDS Quotes: "It will all work out." —Gordon B. Hinckley
Blessing: Shelter, an apartment away and out of the wind


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