In reading Alma 18-19 about Ammon I just kept thinking about how great of a missionary he was. He went in with the spirit of service not of conversion and was able to serve so many amazing people. It is so important to serve others and show God's love through service. The spirit of God is so powerful and amazing in the many things it can do to improve our testimony and our lives. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost in my own life even though sometimes I don't listen to it like I should. These chapters talk a lot about the Plan of Salvation which I have a very strong testimony of and a belief in.
Abish is such a good example of righteous living and conversion for years without any support or others to help strengthen her. It says in vs 17 of ch 19 that "she knew that it was the power of God; and supposing that this opportunity, by making known unto the people what had happened among them, that by beholding this scene it would cause them to believe in the power of God,"
That is a powerful vs. how often do I take opportunities that God gives me to serve others or to share my testimony with them?
I'm believing God today instead of what others have to say. When they say no, God says yes.
Blessing: The Holy Ghost that is able to help me every day make the right decisions and know who I can help and serve. 


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