It's amazing the many things you can get out of the scriptures and sometimes it's not even what was written down but what the Spirit tells you. I was reading in Alma the end of chapter 19-22 in reading this I realized that I need to do more as the RS President. There is something more I need to learn. In chapter 20:29 it says, "nevertheless they were patient in all their sufferings." Wow! I wish I could be more patient with life let alone my sufferings. It is so hard to go through life and have trials. I know that they make me stronger and a better person but sometimes it's just hard. 
As they were teaching the Amalekites they were able to bring "many to the knowledge of the truth;" I wish I could have done a better job and worked harder as a missionary. But these people truly had a change of heart. I also found it interesting that in vs 22 it says, "he (Ammon) also declared unto them that they might have liberty of worshipping the Lord their God according to their desires..." when we look at the footnote it goes to Luke 4:8 which is when Jesus Christ is talking to Satan and says, "Get thee behind me Satan:"   I need to be more like that and tell Satan to leave me a lone and not allow him to get in my head. Some days are easier for him to get in my head then others. 
A Pocket full of LDS prints: Free Quote Printables- 183 annual General ConferencePatience - another great quote from LDS General Conference - Robert D Hales
Blessing: JaNae and Travis are staying here and not moving to Arizona. 


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