It has never come to mind how much of The Book of Mormon is about people turning their hearts to God and repenting. I mean I knew that was a big part but it really hit me this morning. In Alma 33 we learn that we need to worship God pray to hem and "search the scriptures" vs 2. Searching the Scriptures means more then just reading them over and reading a certain amount of pages or for a certain amount of time and being done. But really listening to the spirit and getting out of it what I need to and what God it trying to teach me.
 In vs 14 it asks the questions, "I would ask if ye have read the scriptures? If ye have, how can ye disbelieve in the Son of God."
I cross referenced that verse to John 5:39 that says, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
There is so much fulfillment that comes from the scriptures and pondering on the word of God. He blesses us for it and answers our prayer through it and because of it. There was a lot of good quotes from this two chapters, "your burdens may be light, through the joy of his son."33:23
The Atonement is mentioned a lot and it is something that I am eternally grateful for. The Atonement had to happen or we would all perish. Christ knew his calling was to save all men from sin in order for us to return to live with God. We need to 34:4 have faith, patience and plant the word in our hearts, Not just plant the word in our hearts but live by it every single day of our lives. We need to live with the understanding and knowledge of the Atonement in our lives and be vs 32 "prepared to meet God;"
I loved Alma 34:41 this morning it is something that I needed to hear. It says, "have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest firm all your afflictions."
Sometimes that's hard to imagine that I will be able to remember the things that I need to. It is frustrating sometimes when I can't remember and I don't understand the purpose and real meaning behind "The Plan" and trials that we are put through in this life.
Henry B Eyring. October 2013 General Conference. #lds
Blessing: I am thankful for the Atonement of God and my beloved Savior Jesus Christ and how forgiving they are. In also thankful for the patience and love my friends and family has with me. 


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