In reading in Alma chapters 12-13 it made me think how important "The Fall" was to The Plan of Salvation. We have to have these experiences as hard as they may be to grow and become like God. They are preparing us for harder things in life and for the next life. Sometimes I honestly think to myself how much harder is life really going to get? I was having a hard time at the beginning of this semester with Katelynn gone and taking harder classes, with my calling. I couldn't understand why God would put so much on me at once. I didn't really have any good friends either. Then thinking about Alma 13:10 it says, "they choosing to repent and work righteousness rather then to parish;" I hope I am on the right path to righteousness. I am trying to make the right decisions.
Heber J. Grant said "I have heard men and women say that they were going to let their sons and daughters grow to maturity before they sought to teach them the principles of the gospel, that they were not going to cram the gospel down them in their childhood, before they were able to comprehend it. When I hear men and women say this, I think they are lacking faith in the principles of the gospel and do not comprehend it as they should. The Lord has said it is our duty to teach our children in their youth, and I prefer to take His word for it rather than the words of those who are not obeying His commandments.. I may know that the gospel is true, and so may my wife; but I want to tell you that your children will not know that the gospel is true, unless they study it and gain a testimony for themselves. Parents are deceiving themselves in imagining that their children will be born with a knowledge of the gospel." (Richard O. Cowan, The Church in the Twentieth Century, p. 319)*...
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