throughout the chapter it talks about Gods plan. He talks about repentance, and knowledge of our Redeemer and talks about keeping the commandments. Then it talks about in Ch 37 vs 16-17 that "God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words. For He will fulfill all his promises which he shall make unto you," I really needed to hear that today because I don't feel good and when I don't feel very good I am not very optimistic. Knowing that if I keep trying to do my best God will always come through for me is a great blessing and a great reminder this morning. 
"'Mary: Faithful' Women in the Bible Day 2" (Daily Devotional) posted on Jul 23, 2013 by Diana Stone via SheReadsTruth   |   "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!" Luke 1:45 TNIV   |   Graphic © SheReadsTruth
Blessing: Thankful for amazing weather we have been having this winter semester. It feels like Spring most of the time. 


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