
Showing posts from March, 2015
It is such a blessing to know about The Plan of Salvation and so have so much knowledge concerning it. This life is a trial and a test to see what we will do to get back to our Father in Heaven. We need to live our lives as though we are walking with Christ and it is our last day. Service and doing good to others are so important but also being obedient in all things. I often think of my mission when I learn or read about this amazing plan. It makes me so sad sometimes to think of all the people in the world who don't know about it or aren't willing to learn about it because they are stuck in their wicked traditions or in the rituals of their lives. It's hard to change and accept things but it is so important. I know that not only does God have a Plan for the world and the time the earth exists until Christ comes again but he has one for each and every one of us as well. Alma 40:25, "And then shall the righteous shine forth in the kingdom of God." I hope I am li...
"turn to the Lord with all your mind, might, and strength;" Alma 39:13  I need to put my trust in God more often especially when it comes to life choices and know that He has a plan for me and anything that happens He already had planned and if I am trying my best He won't allow anything bad to happen and will help me stay on the path.     Blessing: I am thankful for amazing friends who will take the time to talk through decisions with me.
"yes shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials."  Alma 38:5 If i put my trust in God I will be able to overcome all things and accomplish all the things that He has in mind for me to do. I just need to follow my Saviors example and "be diligent and temperate in all things." Alma 38:10 Temperate - showing moderate or self-restraint. More things that I need to work on to be like my Savior. I also need to learn to bridle my passions. As I bridle my passions the Lord will better be able to help me through all of my trails and tribulations.  In the talk "Bridle All Your Passions" By Bruce C. and Marie K. Hafen they say,   "The Savior told the rich young man, "Sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and  ...take up the cross, and follow me " (Mark 10:21.) And Peter told teh Lord, "We have left all, and followed thee." (Mark 10:28.) These passages imply htat to follow the Savior is to l...
Alma 37:32 "...teach them an everlasting hatred against sin and iniquity." What does that mean? How do you teach someone to hate sin and iniquity? I feel like they have to experience it themselves.  I really like vs 36, it says, "...cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doing be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the afflictions of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever."  Then in vs 37 it goes on to remind us that we need to counsel with the Lord and he will direct our paths. "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep;"  So in summery, of these two scriptures I need to pray to God and tell Him what is on my mind and what I am doing. Not because He doesn't already know but because it helps us when we talk t...
throughout the chapter it talks about Gods plan. He talks about repentance, and knowledge of our Redeemer and talks about keeping the commandments. Then it talks about in Ch 37 vs 16-17 that "God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words. For He will fulfill all his promises which he shall make unto you," I really needed to hear that today because I don't feel good and when I don't feel very good I am not very optimistic. Knowing that if I keep trying to do my best God will always come through for me is a great blessing and a great reminder this morning.  Blessing: Thankful for amazing weather we have been having this winter semester. It feels like Spring most of the time. 
I was reading Alma 37 today and thinking about the counsels we have in the church because in Alma 37:12 it says, "for he (God) doth counsel in wisdom over all his works, and his paths are straight, and his course is one eternal round." Then I was thinking about the book counseling with out counsels that I started reading for my class that I really want to finish. It was teaching us about how to better our ward counsels and other meetings like it by having meaningful conversations and and topics. and with that "by small and simple things are great things brought to past;"
I like Alma 36:3  "...whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up in the last day."  Sometimes I wonder how much support I get with my trials but I'm sure it is a lot more then I even notice on a daily basis. He probably gets so frustrated when I don't notice that He is always here for me and when I feel like I am doing it by myself. I need to put more trust in the Lord and know that He will help me with all my trials and tests. I know that He is here for me sometimes I just forget that I don't have to do it all by myself and that He has already offered His help I just have to take it.  Blessing: That I am a Return Missionary and that I was able to step in and give the lesson yesterday in Relief Society without a question. 
It has never come to mind how much of The Book of Mormon is about people turning their hearts to God and repenting. I mean I knew that was a big part but it really hit me this morning. In Alma 33 we learn that we need to worship God pray to hem and "search the scriptures" vs 2. Searching the Scriptures means more then just reading them over and reading a certain amount of pages or for a certain amount of time and being done. But really listening to the spirit and getting out of it what I need to and what God it trying to teach me.  In vs 14 it asks the questions, "I would ask if ye have read the scriptures? If ye have, how can ye disbelieve in the Son of God." I cross referenced that verse to John 5:39 that says, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. There is so much fulfillment that comes from the scriptures and pondering on the word of God. He blesses us for it and answers our prayer throu...
Alma 32 is amazing it is also exactly what I needed to read today. It's amazing how God works. First I've been having a hard time lately with school and stuff and I Kati brings me flowers yesterday from a guy in her class that are beautiful. Then I get to study about faith and can't help but think all I am going through will be for my good even if I learn from it and I don't use it until later. In reading this chapter I couldn't help but think of the faith that I have and how it affects me everyday. I mean my faith grows everyday also but I have faith in God. I know despite the hard times and the trials that I am going through that He is there and He is aware of me and the struggles. I just need to remember that Faith is things that are hoped for and not see, which are true. (Alma 32:21). I need to become more humble and believing in God and gain more faith in His plan for me by exercising my faith 32 and also like it says in vs 43 reap the reward of your faith, an...
I read Alma 30-31 today and it is amazing the things that people will do because they think there is not a God. Everyone wants a sign, something or someone to come to them and say 'God does live and His so in Jesus Christ who atoned for your sins.' Life doesn't happen like that. that would make life way to easy if we all got a testimony without working for it. It would be like school, if I didn't have to work to pay for school and work so hard to get good grades then it wouldn't make me so happy when I pass a class or when I finish a semester of school. We need to choose who we are going to serve and live our live in a way that we are always serving Him and being an example to those around us.  In Alma 30:44 it says, "All things denote there is a God;" I believe that will all of my heart. Sometimes it's hard to remember or even believe when we are going through what seem like endless trials but it's true. The good times, the bad times, all the ama...
Am I a true "penitent and humble seeker of happiness."?  Am I "perfectly honest and upright in all things:" In Chapters 27-29 it talks about teaching the people and helping them to change their ways to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. I feel like sometimes we as humans for some reason have to allow ourselves to hit rock bottom before we will ask for help from God. I'm not sure why that is. In these chapters it talks about being happy and righteous. Sometimes life isn't all it's cracked up to be and even when we are righteous and doing what we should we don't always get what we want. Why is it then that we obey the commandments? What is it that keeps us getting up in the morning and working hard?  I think it is because no matter what we are blessed for our efforts. Sometimes I don't put as much effort into something as I should and for some reason or another I am blessed still.  These chapters are a lot about missionary work and bringing people u...
The scriptures are so intriguing I wish I could study them all day long. The spirit is such a powerful underutilized tool in this life I think. I know that I am stubborn and don't ask for help often enough in Chapters 25 and 26 it is talking a lot about what Abinadi taught and how to apply it to our lives.  26:3 "we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about his great work." Sometimes I forget that just because I'm not a missionary anymore doesn't mean I don't have duties and responsibilities to carry on God's work on the earth. Members have are a large part in conversion and we need to do our part. I didn't realize also that it says in 26:12, "I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; his strength I can do all things;" My favorite scriptures in Phillip. 4:13 which says basically the same thing. Knowing that I can accomplish anything through Christ gives me so much hope and faith and it allows me to wake...
I was reading today about the Laminates and their conversion. Conversion means  a change of attitude, emotion, or viewpoint from one of indifference, belief,or a antagonism to one of acceptance, faith, or enthusiastic support, especially such a  change in a person's religion. I was able to witness and be a part of people conversions on my mission and I miss it. I would love to move somewhere where I can help the church more and be an example to those not of my faith. It talked about them barring their weapons of war "they that laid down the weapons of their rebellion, yea, all their weapons of war; and they were all Laminates." 23:13. Later it talks in ch 24 about them berrying them after they changed their name to the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. They were converted as they learned about Christ and His infinite atonement. How can I live my testimony better? Be a better example? And "live" up to what I believe? Blessing: My mom and that she taught me how to cook whatev...
It's amazing the many things you can get out of the scriptures and sometimes it's not even what was written down but what the Spirit tells you. I was reading in Alma the end of chapter 19-22 in reading this I realized that I need to do more as the RS President. There is something more I need to learn. In chapter 20:29 it says, "nevertheless they were patient in all their sufferings. " Wow! I wish I could be more patient with life let alone my sufferings. It is so hard to go through life and have trials. I know that they make me stronger and a better person but sometimes it's just hard.  As they were teaching the Amalekites they were able to bring "many to the knowledge of the truth;" I wish I could have done a better job and worked harder as a missionary. But these people truly had a change of heart. I also found it interesting that in vs 22 it says, " he (Ammon) also declared unto them that they might have liberty of worshipping the Lord their Go...
In reading Alma 18-19 about Ammon I just kept thinking about how great of a missionary he was. He went in with the spirit of service not of conversion and was able to serve so many amazing people. It is so important to serve others and show God's love through service. The spirit of God is so powerful and amazing in the many things it can do to improve our testimony and our lives. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost in my own life even though sometimes I don't listen to it like I should. These chapters talk a lot about the Plan of Salvation which I have a very strong testimony of and a belief in. Abish is such a good example of righteous living and conversion for years without any support or others to help strengthen her. It says in vs 17 of ch 19 that "she knew that it was the power of God; and supposing that this opportunity,  by making known unto the people what had happened among them, that by beholding this scene it would cause them to believe in the power of God,...
There is a lot of stuff in these chapters. For instance in Ammon is a perfect example of a missionary. He truly has the attitude of service, and even tells the king that he "desires to dwell among this people for a time; yea, and perhaps until the day I die." That is some powerful stuff. I need to be more service oriented instead of being so focused on myself. The way Ammon goes about being a missionary is so smart. instead of just trying to teach others and "bring them to his level", he truly went to serve them as Christ served others during His life. I need to serve people more often in my life instead of always focusing so much on my life. I think that is one reason I want to get married so bad so that I can serve my husband and our children and be there for them in a way that I have never been able to be there for anyone. In my Patriarchal Blessing it talks about me bringing happiness others and being an example of righteous living. I want to do that in my futur...
Alma and Amulek were such good missionaries. I hope I was a good missionary on my mission. I mean I did try and I made a few mistakes but that is normal. I hope I  did what the Lord wanted me to do while I was out there. I still today think of those people I didn't talk to and wish I would have . I loved 16:13 where is says that they went to their temples, sanctuaries, and synagogues to preach to them. We as missionaries go to wherever is is most comfortable for them. Not to their church of another religion obviously but to their homes. We go to them to teach the word of God. I also love that they "inquired of the Lord" I need to do that by having more meaningful prayers. Example to us 17:2: "they waxed strong in the knowledge of truth; for they were men of sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently ." That is very important to search the scriptures and not just read them. I know that I need to improve a lot of things in my life but I al...
In reading my scriptures this morning I was reminded of how important it is to have a strong and continuously growing testimony. I need to not be okay with the strong testimony I have but be always looking and seeking out ways to be stronger. You never know when a testimony is all you have. In the chapters of Alma I was reading today I learned about the ability and obligation we have in "choosing to repent and work righteousness..." It is so important to do our best even when it is hard and we feel at the time we aren't getting any benefits from it. In Alma chapter 14 it talks about all of Alma and Amulek's believers are "burned and destroyed by fire." That is so scary to think about. Having a strong testimony is so important. I also just put the connection of Alma and Amulek and Joseph Smith. In Alma 14:26 it says "How long shall we suffer these great afflictions, O Lord?" and Joseph asked a similar question. What am I going to be asked to do in ...
In reading in Alma chapters 12-13 it made me think how important "The Fall" was to The Plan of Salvation. We have to have these experiences as hard as they may be to grow and become like God. They are preparing us for harder things in life and for the next life. Sometimes I honestly think to myself how much harder is life really going to get? I was having a hard time at the beginning of this semester with Katelynn gone and taking harder classes, with my calling. I couldn't understand why God would put so much on me at once. I didn't really have any good friends either. Then thinking about Alma 13:10 it says, "they choosing to repent and work righteousness rather then to parish;" I hope I am on the right path to righteousness. I am trying to make the right decisions.
So yesterday I read my scriptures but I didn't get a chance to write. So I will just do both days inspiration today. So yesterday I read chapters 8 and 9 it talks about keeping the commandments and "the Lord will be merciful unto all those who call on his name." and in vs 20 I love this... "all things made known unto them according to their desires, and their faith, and prayer, of that which has been, and which is, ans which is to come ." So as I have righteous desires the Lord will bless me for the things I do and the effort I put into doing I need to do my part though. Because of the love of the Lord we can return to live with God again if we have the desire and act on it.The Plan of Salvation is a very comforting thing to have a testimony about. Knowing that there is life after this one and at that this isn't the end, that we aren't creating bonds and friendships without anything to look forward to is so sad. I think of a lot of people i met on my mi...
I read Alma 7-8, I love chapter 7 it reminds me how much my Savior truly does love me and cares about me. I love verses 11-13 because it helps me to put things in perspective. I mean I will never fully understand what Christ had to go through for me and for all of us but I love learning about it and learning that He did it "ALL" in order for us to return to live with God. But not only that but that HE knows what it is like for me to suffer and have trials and temptations and that He has felt it and knows how I feel. Nobody has ever lived the life I have lived and understand except Him. Some of Christ's attributes that I need to work on are mentioned in Alma 7:23, "should being humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times;" The last things that really stood out to me in these chapters were being "...faithful in ke...
Today's devotional was so good. Brother Steve Winkel talked about six gifts from God that we need to use in our lives. 1. Prayer 2. Scriptures, particularly the Book of Mormon, 3. The Gift of the Holy Ghost, 4. The commandments, 5. The Priesthood, 6. The Atonement.  These are tools given to me and I need to take advantage of them. What does it mean to truly receive a gift from God? Take it and use it to build His kingdom.  *Bless others by using the talents God has given you. Elder Holland (May 2006; "Broken things to Mend") #Atonement  I need to work on these more so that I can have the power of God with me all the time. Blessing: I'm thankful for an amazing friend/Home teacher like Adam.
In Alma 5 it is a good spiritual test and worthiness test with the many questions it asks. Jesus Christ loves us all and he will call us unto him, I need to be ready and worthy to go unto Him. My Savior suffered for me all my sins and afflictions and trials. He is so full of grace, mercy, and truth. I need to work on these characteristics more in my own life. It says in vs 60, "the good shepherd doth call after you; and if you will harkend unto his voice he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep; and he commandeth you that ye suffer not ravenous wolf to enter among you, that ye may not be destroyed." That is powerful knowing that Christ has all power to save me and if I just continue to try my best and follow Him that He will save me. That's a comfort to me. Blessing: thankful for money, and food
We had a regional conference and it cut out towards the end of Elder Perry's talk and I was playing with Maylee, Rhev, and Trayvn. But the one thing I wrote down that I truly remember him saying was, "True character is what you give to yourself." I need to work on being a better person. Blessing: My wonderful family