-Samual the Lamanite testified and warned the people of the birth of Christ and told them they needed to repent and change their lives. They didn't believe them and just waited around for the day that was appointed to kill the believers. I don't think I would have the courage to just wait around, because what if it is true or right? I mean it is but I wouldn't want to take that change if I was on the nonbeliever's side of things.

There are a lot of nonbelievers in the world. It's interesting because I feel like those who don't believe feel safe in their state of mind because they feel they won't be held accountable for their choices and actions. But that isn't the case. The reason we have a Savior and the gospel is to make us more like our Savior and our Father in Heaven. Without it we would just sit idly around and do nothing.

The gospel and the teachings are such a blessing that can give us the guidance and directions we need to be happy in this life. I know from experience that the gospel can bring true happiness even when life is hard. I have a testimony of the power of the scriptures, and prayer that they can give us a kind of strength that we can't get from anywhere else in this world. But it takes work, we must do our part to learn and grow within ourselves and to strengthen our own testimonies.

Blessing- I am able to sleep and get rest at night.


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