-The Lord does not speak to our mind but to our hearts. So, we must be open and willing to listen to our feelings and recognize the fruits of the spirit.

We can't say "If only..." because it is our day and time and there is nothing we can do about it.

I love this quote by President Harold B. Lee,

"You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your political views. It may contradict your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life. But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name's glory.' (DC 21:6)" (Conference Report, Oct. 1970, p. 152)

-It happens that often times in our lives we aren't asked to do things that are easy or comfortable. How are we supposed to grow and become more like God if we weren't expected to change and if the changes didn't interfere with our lives?
That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. Changing to become like Him so that we can return to live with our Father in Heaven again. We must be continuously changing and looking for ways to change.

We must look to the correct sources for happiness and peace.

Blessing- It's FRIDAY!!


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