Helaman 3:29 "The word of God, (will)...lead the man do Christ in a strait and narrow course..."

Franklin D. Richards said,

"The sum of the whole matter is, that having found the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of eternal life, our only safety is in seizing hold of the rod of iron, which is the word of God, and clinging to it through all the dark, misty and troublesome experiences we may be called to pass through; and that if we do this we shall find ourselves eventually partaking of those fruits which will bring to us eternal life, with joys supernal." (Collected Discourses 1886-1898, vol. 1., edited by Brian H. Stuy, April 8, 1888)

-This is something that I wish all man new, and it's also something I wish I did better and could perfect. Living the gospel and always staying on that straight and narrow path.

"they did fast and pray oft...did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ...yeilding their hearts unto Christ."

-The scriptures make this look like a simple or sound like a simple task, but it is not especially yielding our hearts to Christ and becoming humble. I want to do as God would have me and I want to do His will but it's not always that easy, especially when it means giving up on or postponing dreams and desires that you have.

Blessing- I was able to support my little sister in her program for DYW yesterday.


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